2019 Package Installation Day
Yesterday was 2019 package installation day! I'm hard pressed to think of a
better way to celebrate Earth
Bee Informed Partnership Annual Colony Loss Survey
For any fellow beeks out there that haven't seen the announcements, head over to
the Bee Informed Partnership
Bees in Winter
The weather hit 56 degrees in Northeast Ohio today and the ladies came out to
clean up their dead and
Summer Sun Bathing
Ladies were out this afternoon enjoying some summer sun. No comb in the honey
super yet, but it was full
Second Brood Boxes
After installing about a month ago, it was time to add a second brood box and
take off the feeders
Install Day 2018
Despite some delays early in the day, I made it to Dalton to pick up my three
packages of bees
Hive Assembly Phase I
I picked up my hive components last weekend and the first phase of assembly is
I ordered enough pieces
Smoker Practice
Keeping a smoker lit during hive inspections will hopefully make things easier.
Being a new beekeeper, I realized I would